The Armor of God Part 3 – The Breastplate of Righteousness – “Keeping it Right”

The Armor of God Part 3
The Breastplate of Righteousness
“Keeping it Right”

“Where lives change and where life can begin again”

“Keeping it Right” doesn’t mean you are right all the time or that you won’t make

mistakes and fall away from doing things that are right. Keeping it right means

realizing, “I don’t know how to live in your righteousness, so God you teach me

and show me how.” Keeping the right heart is what matters most to God.


“It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in

the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)


A yielded heart, a determination to love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and

strength makes wearing the Breastplate highly potent and an effective weapon in



The Breastplate was the shiniest, most gorgeous piece of the whole armor. It was

the first thing that most people would notice. It was the heaviest piece of the

armor and weighed at least 40 pounds and sometimes up to 125 pounds.

The more that a soldier used his breastplate, the more the metal would begin to

shine. If this breastplate was put away in a room, it would lose its beauty in the

darkness. However, with use every day, the shine of the armor became

increasingly brilliant. The more you wear the righteousness of God, the more

brilliantly He shines from your life.


Righteousness is knowing that I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and it is

His blood that has washed me clean and has made me right before God. There is

nothing in and of ourselves that we can do or any good works done through our

actions, but totally by His blood are we made righteous. It is a gift of God! Now

we must pursue to be like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and keep our eyes

upon Him and allow His righteousness to shine through us.

Romans 5:17(NKJV)

For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even

greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive

it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.


The Breastplate is a defensive weapon and an offensive weapon.

As a defensive weapon, the Breastplate surrounds to equip and get ready for the

offensive action. The Breastplate shields and covers vital areas, such as the heart.

Satan tries to deal an effective blow to steal, kill and destroy you. He wants to jab

at and penetrate your heart and hit you in the “gut” and take you completely out.

Remember to “STAND, therefore…”. Being fully confident that you are covered by

the gift of God and fully understanding who you are in Christ Jesus. So, throw back your

 shoulders, hold your head up high, and walk tall and confidently as all

victorious soldiers do. You are victorious before you see it. You have everything

you need. God made sure of it.


The Breastplate is also an offensive weapon.

Remember that the breastplate for Roman soldiers was made of especially bright

and shining golden brass. When that soldier threw back his shoulders, the

afternoon sunshine hit that metal and cast a blinding glare into the eyes of all who

were watching. The enemy is always watching. The enemy cannot fight what it

cannot see.

When you wear your breastplate knowing who you are, the blinding glare of

righteousness blinds the eyes of the enemy so that he cannot see to fight.


When you are dressed in righteousness, you are dressed in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The brightest light there is. You are brilliant and powerful as Jesus Himself when

you are wearing this Breastplate. God’s glory radiates from your life to all those

around you, especially the darkness.

The more you walk in your Breastplate, or God’s righteousness, the more

increasingly beautiful with light you become.


You become a warrior indeed!


Next Week: The Armor of God – The Shoes of Peace

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Executive Pastor Lynette Roberts LifePointe Christian Faith Center

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