The Armor of God Part 8 – The Lance of Prayer – “It Moves all of Heaven and Earth”
The Armor of God Part 8
The Lance of Prayer
“It Moves all of Heaven and Earth”

“Where lives change and where life can begin again”
Most Christians when reading Ephesians 6:14-17, see the six pieces of armor
mentioned there. However, there are actually seven. The seventh piece of armor
being extremely powerful and effective is the Lance of Prayer.
Ephesians 6:18
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this
end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—
Rick Renner’s book “Dressed to Kill”, explained the Lance of Prayer as the seventh
piece of armor. All historians know that Roman soldiers carried a lance as well as
all the other pieces shown in Ephesians 6. If we are going to put on the “whole”
armor of God, we must include the Lance as well.
He states. “When you wield ‘the Lance of Prayer’ and supplication”, this powerful
prayer tool is thrust forward into the spirit realm against the malevolent works of
the adversary. By forcibly hurling this divine instrument into the face of the
enemy, you exercise the power God has given you to stop major obstacles from
developing in your personal life.” It not only affects your personal life, but all that
you put voice to in prayer for your community, your nation and the world.
It all explains so much for me. I have known for quite some time that I was called
to pray. And some of you know that you are called to pray as an “instrument” for
God’s work as well. I knew that what I prayed changed homes, communities,
nations, but this explained for me what I was doing in the spirit. It is a weapon for
the kingdom and against an unseen enemy that we can be highly effective
In the natural, a lance is a long weapon for thrusting and can also be considered a
spear in war.
When you thrust forth the Lance of Prayer and supplication, this powerful prayer
weapon is thrust into the spirit realm against the works of darkness, penetrating
the darkness with the light of Christ, The Word, and the power. There is no
wonder that Satan tries to stop our prayers with distractions and the busyness of
life. He becomes successful in stopping the power of God through us.
In Ephesians 6:18, it says praying always…
On every occasion, each and every opportunity, every time you get a chance, in
every season. It all sounds extremely serious! Probably because it is.
Prayer is a part of our armor. We must take it seriously. Paul said, “Put on the
whole armor…”. If we are not praying, then a part of our lives is exposed and
open for the enemy to get in.
As our prayers are prayed with confidence and boldness, and with love and
intimacy with the Father, God takes our prayers and shoots them out toward the
enemy’s camp, which spears the heart and plans of the enemy. The angels that
hearken to the voice of God’s Word, takes our prayers and fights with them in the
face of the demonic forces and wins battles we eventually see in the natural, but
we fight in the spirit realm. (Psalm 103:20; Dan 10:10-21) Please take time to
read these passages
Your prayers are fighting more than you know. They are changing communities
and homes and individual lives as you thrust the lance of prayer into the spirit
realm. Never take lightly your sacrifice and submission to prayer. Obedience is
the key. Stop and pray when prompted.
You are fighting the good fight of faith and laying hold of the promises of God.
All of heaven smiles and stands ready as you pray and penetrate the forces of
darkness. Many lives thank you for your submission to be a soldier in the army of
the Lord. If they don’t thank you now, they will thank you later.
Next Week: Psalm 91 – Safety in Abiding in the Presence of God”
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Sending you my love, Pastor Lynette
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Executive Pastor Lynette Roberts LifePointe Christian Faith Center
LifePointe Christian Faith Center
PO Box 5867 Coralville, IA 52241
(319) 354-4148
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